27 October 2009

Unwise Tattoo?

Originally uploaded by Jaspreet Dhillon
Saw this on Flickr. The word for wisdom is prajñā - a feminine noun in -ā.

This person has: प्रज्ञाः prajñāḥ

Prajñāḥ is the nominative plural: wisdoms. Whoops.


12 September 2009

Evil Tattoo

A friend posted this on his Facebook page and I thought it would make a good cautionary tale:
A Buddhist, who’s more faith than reason, into all things tantric, spots the paṁ syllable in a purification practice. He goes along to the local tattoo parlour and has it tattooed on his shoulder blade.

He's showing it off to a friend who reads the practice and says: 'It says here that paṁ is the seed syllable for all evil.'

'Oh, I’ve got the seed syllable for all evil tattooed on my shoulder blade.' Sad, but true.

My response was that he might reassure his friend by reminding him that paṃ is also the bīja for Paṇḍāravāsinī, plus I think evil would have to be pāṃ (from the first syllable of the Sanskrit word pāpa). This is one case where diacritics matter!

12/9 Noticed this Kelly Osbourne interview today:
"I hate my tattoos. I saw someone about getting a couple removed, especially the keyboard, because I don't even know how to play the piano and I was drunk when I got it. I was a spiteful brat who got tattoos to piss off my mum and now I think they are ugly. People define you by tattoos and I don't want to be defined by an anchor on my arm! Unfortunately, having them removed is going to be painful."


25 June 2009


Every now and then I get a fun request for a tattoo and this mornings effort is a gem of the genre.
"I was wondering if you guys could translate the Seven Deadly sins and the Seven Holy Virtues into Buddhist Sanskrit for me. I want to tattoo it on my back."
Given that he won't be able to read the result - what would you write on his back? Must be in lots of seven!

I'll start the bidding with: बष्वुल्, डक्, डौपी, ग्रंपी, हप्पी, स्लीपी, स्नीसी

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07 March 2009

Dumb Tattoos

I sometimes cop some flak for saying that I think tattoos are dumb. I'm mainly referring to people who want tattoos of mantras/words/syllables they don't understand the significance of, in scripts they don't read, in languages they don't speak. Some of the consequences of this approach to body adornment can be seen on this blog: Hanzi Smatter - "dedicated", the subtitle reads, "to the misuse of Chinese characters in Western culture". Tattoos feature highly on this site. One man's tattoo doesn't mean "Dragon Soul" as he thinks, but simply "foreigner". A model for AussieBum underwear seems to have inadvertently tattooed himself with "determined to cut down something big", etc. Need I say more?


23 October 2008

Tattoo ultimatim...

I thought I'd share this as it gave me a laugh this morning:
Is your writing of OM AH HUM in Siddham writing accurate?
I am getting at tattoo of it tomorrow at 4pm UK time.
Thank you very much
Never heard from Chris before. Probably never hear from him again. However since my calligraphy is quite distinctive I'll know it's him if we ever meet. I'm always tempted at this point to make a correction so that the Siddhaṃ reads something amusing... perhaps ahaṃ mantraṃ corayāmi sma?

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25 September 2007

Excellent Tibetan Mantra Calligraphy

Tashi Mannox recently dropped me a line, and I am very happy to direct people to his mantra calligraphy website: www.tashimannox.co.uk. His work is of a very high standard as you can see (right). He is fluent in many styles of Tibetan script, and also designs seals.

He also designs tattoos and has a second website devoted to this: Inkessential.

Title: Mani Mantra, Chinese Ink on paper. Size: 71x54cm
(this work is for sale, contact Tashi via his website)

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17 September 2007

Bonji Tattoo

This image was sent in today by Jose. He asks "is it a name or is it a listing of different Gods?" I thought it was interesting enough to answer at length.

This is two seed-syllables, or perhaps three depending on how you read it. The top bit is hāmmāṃ - the seed syllable of Fudō Myōō (Acala Vidyārāja). It is written as one syllable, but if you consult the Shingon Buddhist International Fudō webpage you will see that the mantra of Fudō is:

namaḥ samanta-vajrāṇāṃ caṇḍa mahāroṣaṇa sphoṭaya hūṃ traṭ hāṃ māṃ

hāmmāṃ is a combination of hāṃ + māṃ but written, as I say, as one syllable.

At the bottom is the short a syllable. It is in contact with the hāmmāṃ but must be a separate syllable. A is of course the mother of all syllables, and the syllable of Vairocana. John Stevens describes Fudō as an "incarnation and messenger of Vairocana" so it makes sense to have the two syllables together.

A fascinating case. I don't have a page for Fudō but perhaps will add one in the future. One of our order, and a friend of mine, is named Acala.

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